*Shutdown Command Line*
Command Line in Windows XP. Command line can do in cmd.exe,
you can run this program in c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe or
just do this, click start menu > run > type cmd > open.
This command line can run in cmd.exe, just type the syntax and enter
but read this article before.
Shutdown Command Line
shutdown [{-l-s-r-a}] [-f] [-m [\\ComputerName]] [-t xx] [-c "message"] [-d[u][p]:xx:yy]
Parameter command line for log off user that aktive, thats the default.
Example : if you want log off your computer type this in cmd
shutdown -l
Parameter command line for shutdown your computer, thats the default.
Example : if you want shut down your computer type this in cmd
shutdown -s
Parameter for restart or reeboot your computer
Example : if you want restart or reboot your computer type this in cmd
shutdown -r
Parameter command line for abort shutdown. Ignore other parameter,
except -l and ComputerName. You can only use -a during the time is out of periode.
Example : if you want abort shutdown type this in cmd
shutdown -a
Parameter commadn line for Force running aplication to close.
Example : if you want shutdown and close all aplication
that still active type in cmd
shutdown -s -f
-m [\\ComputerName]
Parameter command line for specifies the computer that you want to shutdown
Example : if you want shutdown computer 5 with name comp5 type this in cmd.
shutdown -s -m \\comp5
-t xx
Parameter command line for set the timer for shutdown in xx seconds.
the default is 20 seconds.
Example : if you want shutdown computer and give 1 minute
to save all jobs type this in cmd.
shutdown -s -t 60
-c "message"
Parameter command line for display message before shutdown execute.
Message must be enclose by quotation and maximum message is 127 character
Example : if you want shutdown user 4 with computer name comp4 in LAN and want display message type this in cmd.
shutdown -s -m \\comp4 -c "this computer is shutdown by server admin,
please save all your job"
-d [u][p]:xx:yy
Lists the reason code for the shutdown.
The following table lists the different values.
You can bundle the parameters in one command.
Example of syntax
1. if you want log off computer user in your workstation in 30 seconds.
you can bundle parameter -l , -m [\\ComputerName] , -t xx
shutdown -l -m \\comptrone -t 30
2. If you want adding message and shutdown computer user at workstation in 45 seconds, try bundle -s , -m [\\ComputerName] , -c "message" -t xx
shutdown -s -m \\computertwo -c "this computer will be shutdown after 45 seconds, save all your data" -t 45
3. and if you want cancel your shutdown job try -a.
before the time is up only
shutdown -a
4. Try another combination. good try
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